Welcome to VK DATA ApS

We advise and help companies with streamlining workflows and processes, through quality-assured IT solutions and the Odoo ERP system, which creates growth, stability and optimization.

Contact us for a non-binding discussion about your and your company's needs.

​​Kontakt VK DATA

Get consistency in your IT infrastructure

Hvis du står over for udfordringer med individuelle softwareløsninger, der ikke er integreret med hinanden, kan det føre til dobbelt indtastning af data og manglende overblik. Lad os hjælpe dig med at effektivisere din arbejdsdag, ved at​ samle alle dine IT-løsninger ét centralt sted. 

Vi tilbyder en bred vifte af tjenester, herunder det effektive ERP-system Odoo, IT-sikkerhed, Netværk og Telefoni, som kan hjælpe med at strømline og digitalisere dine interne processer.

Find det du har brug for hjælp til på føglende sider:


Odoo ERP System

Odoo kan styre hele din virksomhed i  ét system, hvilket gør det mere fleksibelt og overskueligt at arbejde med. 
VK DATA ApS, din One-Stop digitaliseringspartner og leverandør, er eksperter i procesoptimering,  implementering og administration af Odoo.

Læs mere om Odoo

Netværk og sikkerhed

Vi er specialister inden for netværkssikkerhed og infrastruktur-løsninger. 

Vi tilbyder en bred vifte af tjenester, herunder opsætning af netværk, sikkerhedsvurderinger og træningskurser relateret til netværksteknologier. 

Læs mere om Netsafe


VK Data Hosting tilbyder robuste hosting-løsninger, der sørger for sikker og pålidelig lagring af dine data.​ ​Med fokus på høj oppetid, avanceret sikkerhed og fleksible skaleringsmuligheder, understøtter VK Data Hosting virksomheder i at håndtere deres data effektivt og trygt.

​​​​Læs mere om hosting

Vores serviceydelser - vi leverer det hele

We optimize your everyday life with an integrated ERP system

IT-support og drift:  

  • VK Data tilbyder løbende IT-support, herunder både fjernsupport og onsite-support, for at sikre, at dine IT-systemer fungerer optimalt.

  • Vi kan håndtere den daglige drift af IT-infrastrukturen, inklusive overvågning, vedligeholdelse og fejlfinding. 
we create structure, business development links between work processes to internal solutions to problems


  • VK Data tilbyder løsninger inden for IT-sikkerhed, såsom antivirussoftware, firewall-løsninger, backup-strategier og sikring af data mod uautoriseret adgang og cyberangreb.

Hardware og software:

  • Levering og installation af hardware som servere, computere, printere og andet IT-udstyr.

  • Vi kan også hjælpe med at vælge og implementere den rette software til din virksomhed, herunder licensstyring. 

Backup og Disaster Recovery:

  • Implementering af backup-løsninger og udvikling af disaster recovery-planer, som sikrer, at dine data kan gendannes hurtigt i tilfælde af systemfejl eller katastrofer.


  • Design, implementering og vedligeholdelse af netværksinfrastruktur, som inkluderer både kabling, routere, switches, firewall-konfiguration og trådløse netværk.


  • VK Data kan hjælpe med at implementere og administrere cloud-baserede løsninger, såsom Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, eller andre cloud-tjenester, der passer til din virksomheds behov.
We are your business partner after we have created your solution.

Rådgivning og konsulenttjenester:

  • VK Data kan tilbyde rådgivning omkring IT-strategi, optimering af forretningsprocesser gennem IT, og planlægning af IT-investeringer.

  • Konsulenttjenester kan inkludere projekthåndtering, implementering af nye systemer og integration med eksisterende løsninger. 
We are your business partner after we have created your solution.

Specialiserede løsninger:

  • De kan tilbyde tilpassede IT-løsninger baseret på specifikke forretningsbehov, eksempelvis brancherelaterede softwareløsninger eller udvikling af specielle applikationer.


Kontakt os direkte for en uforpligtende snak om, hvordan vi kan hjælpe dig.

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What can we do for your company?

VK DATA ApS kan gøre en væsentlig forskel for din virksomhed ved at levere skræddersyede it-løsninger, så som pålidelige netværksløsninger, cybersikkerhed, it-rådgivning, cloud og backup løsninger kurser og træning og så er vi Danmarks foretrukne Odoo ERP partner. 

Kort sagt kan VK DATA ApS hjælpe din virksomhed med at optimere it-driften, forbedre sikkerheden, og anvende teknologier, der styrker din konkurrencedygtighed og understøtter vækst.

We optimize your everyday life with an integrated ERP system

We optimize your processes 

We achieve this by integrating a system that connects business operations across departments. This system is a shared database for the usage of the entire company, which streamlines the businesess processes.

we create structure, business development links between work processes to internal solutions to problems

We create structure

We are not only IT- developers but business developers. We are therefore the link between your internal businesses procedures and the solution to your IT issues.

In-house specialists, scalable ERP system

Solutions that develop with you

Our many in-house specialist are ready to develop the chosen IT-solutions as your company grows and your procedures become more complex. This way, we always make sure to match the solution to your unique needs.

We focus on YOUR results

We focus on YOUR results

Your success is our passion. Therefore,,we regard your company as a partner in growth. We reflect ourselves in your results and we take measures in including your thoughts and opinions throughout the whole process.

We have tools for business development and help from professional consultants

Professional consultants

We are knowledgable and competent in various industry-based solutions, based on problem solving and business development between companies like yours.  

We are your business partner after we have created your solution.

We are here to help - also after implementation

We guarantee that you will receive the utmost of your chosen solution through continuous follow-ups and inclusion AFTER go-live and implementation.

​VK DATA is an SME: Digitally certified!

SMV : Digital is a program where your company can get subsidies for, among other things private advice. . Read more about how you can apply for grants.

If you are thinking about acquiring, installing and using Google Workspace,  we can help with that too.

Are you considering changing your ERP system?

VK DATA  helps companies that need new thinking, efficiency and a better overview. 

We start by uncovering the actual needs through our expert team, after which we collaboratively agree on a flexible and adapted solution that can grow with your company and that provides value for money - not only in the short term, but also in the long term.  

We are based in Tønder, Nibe and Kolding with technical development in both Denmark and Sri Lanka, ensuring you a professional business partner from start to finish.

We handle all areas with great expertise and care, and you are therefore always sure of being able to get professional help when you need it. 

Call and have a chat with our consultants on +45 7373 8888 or send us a massage by filling in the form below. 
We are looking forward to hear from you.