Odoo Forum App

This App is an open source alternative to Stackoverflow and Quora

With Odoo's Forum App you can:

Get more traffic on your website

Debates that have taken place in the app are indexed automatically and can then be found through search engines such as Google.

This provides more keywords and can improve your SEO, since new content is added when the forum is used. 

Anticipate your customers' needs​

Through topics debated in the forum, you can easily find and benefit from the topics that are most popular.

You can easily anticipate your customers' needs and wants by analyzing the most viewed, most shared and most exciting topics.

Du kan nemt forudse dine kunders behov og ønsker ved at analysere de mest sete, mest delte og mest spændende emner. 

Get a documentation library

The forum allows reuse of the most interesting responses from the forum.

With this, you can easily turn the best and most exciting answers into an official documentation by adding them, with a single click, to your documentation library.

The Forum App provides your visitors with relevant information

Create insightful debates and discussions that create organic content for your search engine.

When the content from the forum can be found by search engines, your website is automatically used as a trusted source that can solve your visitors' problems by providing them with the information they are looking for.

With the forum, you can become an expert in your specific field, while your customers benefit from all the knowledge that has been gathered through debates. 

Forum Appen skaber kundetilfredshed

Forum Appen tillader at du kan forbedre dine produkter og tilmed reducere din arbejdsbyrde. Appen giver nemlig dine kunder mulighed for at stille spørgsmål direkte på din hjemmeside. Samtidig kan de hurtigt og nemt finde svar, eftersom debatter gemmes automatisk. Dette sparer både dine kunder og dig for spildt arbejdstid. Med en automatiseret database for debatter og diskussioner, får du en effektiv platform for support til dine kunder, hvilket vil reducerer tid brugt på at besvare spørgsmål til kunder, over chat eller andre medier.


Odoo psæt et system for at give dine mest aktive medlemmer adgang til flere funktioner
Odoo forum til hjemmeside er en effektiv kommunikationsform

Relevant indhold for dine kunder

Kunder er nemmere at holde engagerede, hvis dit indhold er relevant - Forum Appen tillader, at du kan tildele points til medlemmer, alt efter om deres svar, likes, delinger og generelle indlæg har god relevans. 

De medlemmer, der er mest aktive, eller har flest point, kan herefter tildeles adgang til flere funktioner på din side. Dermed skaber du en stærk grobund for engagement ved de kunder, der er med til at skabe din vidensbase.